Bakesale Review

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This actually is one of the best albums Sebadoh would release. The music and sound is totally laid-back compared to something like Bubble and Scrape or Smash your head on the Punk Rock. One reviewer said it was a "subtle pop classic" and that is the exact definition of the album itself. It's way more subtle and easier then other Sebadoh albums.
This actually had the first Sebadoh tune I've heard and this is the second last album I bought. The song was Skull and I heard it in the opener of the skateboarding video Anthology (by Transworld magazine). I liked the song at the beginning and thought it flowed really well with what was going on. I would later find out after about 2 years that it was from one of my favorite bands.
Even though this is way more relaxed then the other albums, it doesn't mean that Lou won't deliver some harsh (But cynical) lyrics and some pretty powerful songs. Tunes like Careful, License to confuse, Not a friend and Magnet's Coil all have a unique sound with some very, very good lyrics. Careful is almost devastating to hear but it's all so simple at the end. Not a Friend is something we all can relate too sometimes with friendships. License to Confuse is just 2 minutes of cynsism from Lou. Magnet's Coil isn't as harsh as most of the album, but the opening base line is extremely catchy. Then there's the easier songs with the easier sound. Skull, Got it, S Soup, Rebound, Dramamine and Together or Alone. Together or Alone just gives me a feeling of emptyness but it's a great song. Skull is the first song I heard from Sebadoh, great tune but nothing to crank. Rebound is just awesome. S Soup and Dramamine somehow connect within listens.
One song that sticks out though is Give Up. Starts off like a heavy metal track then goes right into the normal Sebadoh type ranting. It's my favorite track on the album next to Careful and Not a Friend.
Totally recommended for some great songs with even better lyrics. I wish Sebadoh were still around....

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