The Massed Bands, Pipes & Drums of Her Majesty's Royal Marines and The Black Watch Review

The Massed Bands, Pipes and Drums of Her Majesty's Royal Marines and The Black Watch
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This is the tour recording originally issued in 1976 to mark the US tour of the band of Her Majesty's Royal Marines (Commandos) and the regimental band, pipes and drums of the 1st battalion the Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) The recording reflects the music of the tour which was Britain's bicenntennial salute to the United States. Many of the tunes are popular selections long associated with the United States.
The recording starts with a rousing version of the "Stars and Stripes" by the massed bands of the Royal Marines and Black Watch. The combined resources of these bands are impressively shown here. The Royal Marines then follow with a Guibert and Sullivan medly, comprising well known selections from the operettas of the immortal composing pair. The Regimental band, accompanied by the pipes and drums of the Black Watch enter with the old scots air "Morag of Dunnvegan", which is followed by a bicenntennial "drummers' salute" by the drummers of the pipe band. The pipes and drums then perfom the first of two medlys on this recording. Many of the tunes performed in this selection are regimental tunes used by the different companies of the Black Watch at that time. The Black Watch pipes and drums are crisp in their performance, but one can hear that the band has come a long way sense 1976. The massed bands return with a moving rendition of Dvorak's "Going Home" movement from his New World symphony. The regimental band of the Black Watch give a stiring rendition of the classic Vienese "Radetsky March". Under the direction of Norman Rogerson the band was one of the best known regimental bands in the British army. Sadly, they are no more after the recent reductions in British army bands. This is followed by "Sunset", the evening retreat call of the British army which is accompanied by the massed bands. Pipe Major Allan Dippie of the Black Watch performs a moving solo of "Sleep Dearie Sleep". This was the tune played by six Black Watch pipers by special request at the burial of John F. Kennedy in 1963. This special occasion has made the Black watch a very popular item in the States since that time. A medly of Irving Berlin tunes follows by the massed bands. This is in keeping with the bicenntenial nature of the recording.
The regimental band of the Black Watch provide a wonderful version of the "River Kwai" march, made famous by the film many years before. This march is actually adopted from the British march king, Kenneth J. Alford's classic "Colonel Bogey" march of 1916. The regimental band continues with "All The Blue Bonnet's O'er the Border" the traditional quick march of the Black Watch. The band of the Royal Marines returns again with a typically bombastic French march, "Sambre et Muese" which features the bugles of the Royal Marines. There are few marches more French in origin than this one, it might actually be considered the "Star's and Stripes" of France. The Pipes and Drums of the Black Watch return with a stirring medly of scots tunes frequently played by the band at that time. The Royal marines return with their regimental quick march "A Life on the Ocean Wave", a tune that was written in New York during the last century and adopted by the Royal Marines some years later. The massed military bands combine for a World War One medly featuring many well known selections. The Royal Marines provide their last selection with the atmoshereic "Edinburgh Castle" which features their famous corps of drums. The recording concludes with a Brittanic salute by the massed bands including "Rule Brittania" and "Land of Hope and Glory"
This is a most enjoyable recording which the average listener should find appealing because of the many popular selections included therein. There are few more patriotic recordings out there like this one, and its bicenntenial siginificance makes it even more appealing. The performances are first-rate and the recording quality for 1976 is excellent. This is a timeless recording which Amricans should treasure, a fitting Bicenntenial salute from our oldest ally.

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